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WELCOME TO OUR SITE! "Our purpose is to carry understanding and hope to those who have none"

Thank you for your interest!

    We welcome all the visitors who are keenly interested in the problem of alcoholism and who are striving to find the way of solving it for themselves, their loved ones, or for the whole nation. Not reiterating again and again by claiming that raging in Russia alcoholism is jeopardizing its very existence, we offer you our practical help, our professional services.

We offer:

Our online counseling program. This program is of help for those people who suffer from alcoholism, their loved ones. Our program is also of interest to those people who are concerned about the problem of alcoholism, professionals working in the field of rehabilitation;

Modern scientific understanding of alcoholism. This understanding is of interest not only and not as much to the professionals, but to those people who are trying to quit drinking, but, due to the chronic relapses, suffers never-ending pattern of failure. Their familiarization with the materials of our site will help them to find the cause of their problem as well as the way of maintaining sobriety on a permanent basis;

Professional training of alcoholism and drug abuse counselors in accordance with the international standards of this profession (see: IC&RC). In Russia, these specialists as well as the profession itself are still nonexistent;

The information how the problem of alcoholism is handled in the USA. Our site is the only source of this information in Russian. We also dare to claim, that even the sources in English do not cover the problem of alcoholism as completely and in such a brief and concise form as our site;

The space on our site for the American professionals, so they can advertise their articles, books, and workshops in provided on our site Russian translations;

The space on our site for the Russia’s professionals with the purpose of their cooperation with international and American organizations, first of all the International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium (see: IC&RC) and the California Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (see: CAADAC);

The space on our site for the new ideas which we already expect as our site is successfully unfolding;

    We feel it’s necessary to inform public officials about the crucially important fact: the government expenses on treatment and rehabilitation of people suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction do pay off, handsomely. It’s established with absolute certainty in the State of California that each dollar invested by the government in rehabilitation programs saves seven dollars of public funds. Successful treatment and ongoing sobriety of substance abusing individuals are improving productivity and reducing treatment cost of alcohol-related illnesses as well as the cost of providing for the criminal-justice system.